That Witch!!! Katherine Manaan
About That Witch!
Progressive, liberal, feminist, witch. pro-choice, pro-environment, pro-human rights. Divorced, single mom, sober, brooklyn, actress, comic, writer. Hudson valley, healer, soul counselor, channel, high priestess, witch, alchemist, teacher, Meemaw. Smart, hysterically funny, honest, accessible, initiator, powerful.
warrior for consciousness and the quantum reality of self and soul.
Life Mission: Destroy Patriarchy and restore the balance of the sacred masculine and the sacred feminine. Make this reality available to the collective. Love beyond all reason, commit to helping others become conscious.
Approach: Write novels. Write politics. Write witch stuff. Make it easy for women to find the sacred goods and mystical products that will help them the most. Look at what is and write what can be. Challenge organized religion — the soil of patriarchy — and the root of all evil.
Do not engage in arguments with idiots.
Mantras: Right use of power is love made visible.
Live loud, love fierce and suffer no fools.
If you're looking for a reading....
You can also find me at Kat: the Helpful Witch and at Kat's Cancer World
Scroll down for writing excerpts. If something resonates, click on the link. Please be advised all my writing is copyrighted and I am extremely litigious. This site is in the process of being created
so if it looks messy and disorganized that's why!
For more About Kat
"Right use of power is love made visible. Right use of power is of love, by love, for love, and how you create your world and your life. For a Park person to not use their power was considered flat-out irresponsible, evil even, depending on who you talked to, because that's how you ended up living somebody else's life, or letting somebody else run yours, or maybe both."
Emma - Genesis 2: The Passion of Emma Ray Earle |
![]() And on the eighth day man created money
and man so loved his bloodless creation He ordered the world accordingly to support and feed it. Jane Lee Randall Jane Lee's Book of Door |

Non Fiction: Politics - From Middle Aged Woman Talking: Satire
Today in Men's Reproductive Health: Pro-jerk versus Anti-jerk
As the battle continues to rage between Anti-Jerk and Pro-Jerk factions, three Male Masturbation clinics closed today, victims of the latest legislation that is slowly but surely eroding the legal right for men to masturbate.
Anti-Jerks hold true that life begins at erection and masturbation is nothing short of murder. Pro-Jerks don’t think it’s any of the government’s (or anybody else’s) business what they do with their penis. Male masturbation is still not against the law but, because of the remarkably well- organized Anti-Jerks for Jesus, and the fundraising prowess of Tim Tebow, state legislatures are slowly but surely eroding the right.
As per the latest ruling, men have to undergo a ball cup and cough by two different doctors to determine if they’re healthy enough for ejaculation. The wait for results can take up to two weeks. Florida has new legislation on the books that requires not just the ball cup and cough but an anal probe. As Florida goes so goes Ohio, Georgia, Alabama, and Texas.
Earlier this year the Supreme Court did away with buffer zones around masturbation clinics. The Supreme Court’s latest ruling has absolved men in the 1% from all anti-masturbation legislation
"Where is the outrage?” Bill Beilfan, President of Pro-Jerk America, asks in his latest video. Beilfan will be debating David Karolu, President of Anti-Jerks For Jesus this Sunday on Fox News.
Live loud, love fierce, and suffer no fools.
Katherine Manaan MAWT
1st posted 7/15/14
Art by AnthonyRB1

Non fiction: excerpt From Sober Witch
Context is multi-layered, an ever shifting combination of experience, socialization, and programming; I make my decisions based on my context. All perception is rooted in context, it’s the soil out which perception grows, if you don’t change the context you can’t really change the perception. When I was raising my son, in order to survive I had to put my armor on every morning before striking out into the day.. There is no question life was a battle during this time and I lived on red alert for many years. Periodically, in my workshops, I bump into an un-initiated newbie who has read one to may Louise Hay books and tells me I should have chosen love. I tell her quietly but firmly that I did indeed choose love. I chose self and soul, I chose to say no, I chose to fight back, and I chose to learn how to set my boundaries. Setting boundaries for me meant I had to actually acknowledge I had needs and that those needs had never been met. I also had to acknowledge that I was projecting those needs outwards onto others and expecting them to meet them. Of course the people I was projecting the needs outwards onto were just like my parents (badly wounded, narcissistic, and controlling) and in this way I was recreating the exact emotional home I grew up in. Bottom line, I had no context for what it was like to have my needs recognized, much less satisfied, and the idea of actually having my needs recognized was so terrifying that I would simply call people who couldn’t possibly help me to keep the world as I knew it intact. This is where I was twenty-five years ago; unconscious of the wounds and unable to see the connection between the wounds and the behavior. All I knew was I was devastatingly unhappy and that was not the way I wanted to live. I dove into the self-help books, which worked for awhile, but life experience has shown most of the information to be little more than piece-meal truths oblivious to the influence and play of shadow; mine, the world's and my family's.
Context is multi-layered, an ever shifting combination of experience, socialization, and programming; I make my decisions based on my context. All perception is rooted in context, it’s the soil out which perception grows, if you don’t change the context you can’t really change the perception. When I was raising my son, in order to survive I had to put my armor on every morning before striking out into the day.. There is no question life was a battle during this time and I lived on red alert for many years. Periodically, in my workshops, I bump into an un-initiated newbie who has read one to may Louise Hay books and tells me I should have chosen love. I tell her quietly but firmly that I did indeed choose love. I chose self and soul, I chose to say no, I chose to fight back, and I chose to learn how to set my boundaries. Setting boundaries for me meant I had to actually acknowledge I had needs and that those needs had never been met. I also had to acknowledge that I was projecting those needs outwards onto others and expecting them to meet them. Of course the people I was projecting the needs outwards onto were just like my parents (badly wounded, narcissistic, and controlling) and in this way I was recreating the exact emotional home I grew up in. Bottom line, I had no context for what it was like to have my needs recognized, much less satisfied, and the idea of actually having my needs recognized was so terrifying that I would simply call people who couldn’t possibly help me to keep the world as I knew it intact. This is where I was twenty-five years ago; unconscious of the wounds and unable to see the connection between the wounds and the behavior. All I knew was I was devastatingly unhappy and that was not the way I wanted to live. I dove into the self-help books, which worked for awhile, but life experience has shown most of the information to be little more than piece-meal truths oblivious to the influence and play of shadow; mine, the world's and my family's.